About Me

Sutton Fields

I dream and am a dreamer from a long time ago.  I have hope and faith in my dreams too.  Completely.  A gloomy, messy existence I imagine if I did not keep hope alive, so I keep my dreams close.  When I was young, I dreamt up new worlds because my real one was awful.  Pretty smart, I think.

I dream of things others may not ever see happening for me and I know this to be true because I have been told, “that is never going to happen for you” but, meh, it doesn’t sway me.

I believe in me and see it all happening. One day I thought, why not dream for many things?  Why choose one thing? So, that is how what I call The Trivecta came about.  Three dreams I had to admit would have sent me over the moon.

 OK, these are three of my dreams


1.Win the lottery, or any sweepstake, and I already hear you, “that will never happen,” but sometimes, our dreams are just there.  They’re not created like a cake or an idea, they’re in you.  I play like it is my job and I have it figured out…all I need is six zeroes and zeroes are nothing.  See? All I need is nothing, six of them.  People win and that’s a fact. It’s science. I’m going to keep on playing on a dream.

Write my book.  I’ve been gathering together boxes and bags of handwritten papers from the closet and under the bed, retrieving The Red Purse from the bedroom door knob, and staring at dozens of files on my computer, which I didn’t realize I had, momentarily overwhelming me, but I tell myself calm down and carry on, you got this.  Do I?

3.Dream number three.  I am going to keep this one to myself.

 If you looked at my life without the dreams, I would not look the same.  My outlook would be bleak, I would be scared.  I would worry and probably cry.  Where is the hope?  I’ve gone through this when I didn’t have much hope.

But this, this right here, this putting words to paper, telling my stories on my own website, is a dream come true.

Other things about me I know to be true are I know myself to be tough, a survivor and a warrior at times, independent, determined, hardworking, sweet, kind, funny and yes, a vulnerability that runs deep.

I do not know how to share deep secrets with others’, instead, keeping them to myself. There are some things I am taking to the grave. They are between God and me.  I am faithful to God, or try to be, and I donate plasma regularly which I really do not like to do but I am trying to be noble.  I am a try-er.  I try like hell.

I also love everything clean, and I will clean until it shines. Oh, it’s a thing. Everyone that knows me, knows about my cleaning thing.

I love pretty things, doesn’t matter what it is. Pretty is great.

I must have some order in my life. When I am all booked up and have to run, run, run, it all goes to pieces.  I don’t want anything to blow because that has happened.

I love animals.  My animals that have all gone onto The Rainbow Bridge seem to still be a part of my life on earth though because the memories are so alive.  The memories make me both laugh and cry.  I miss the hell out of Luke, my dog, who was my soul mate.  We did life together and I want him back.

I also am a mother, a grandmother, a friend, a sister, a Registered Nurse, a cleaning lady, a daughter, a Creator on Only Fans and a writer.  Oh yeah, I’m bipolar too but that’s another story.

I am so much more.  I’ve wanted this for me for a lifetime.  This right here, being with you, is a dream come true.

 My hope is you enjoy my writing and get something from it, preferably something good.

I’m about to have some fun.  Wish me luck.
